Why is there an evacuation port in vacuum insulated glass?

Vacuum insulated glass is comprised of two to three pieces of glass in general. There is a small chamber between two adjoining glass panes. The glass is built with edge sealing structures. When the small chamber is evacuated, a vacuum chamber occurs as a result. The vacuum insulated glass can be divided into two categories: 1. vacuum insulated glass without an evacuation port; 2. A vacuum insulated glass with an evacuation port. The edge sealing process of the former is conducted within the vacuum furnace, With the completion of the edge sealing process, the enclosed chamber between two adjoining glass panes will naturally form a vacuum chamber. On the other hand, the edge sealing process of the latter is performed within a high-temperature furnace at normal pressure. After the completion of the edge sealing process, the enclosed chamber is evacuated via the prefabricated evacuation port. The evacuation port is enclosed after the completion of the evacuation process. Thus, vacuum insulated glass is produced.

During the use of low-temperature glass solder in the edge sealing process in vacuum insulated glass, a large number of bubbles is created in the high-temperature and vacuum environment since the lower-temperature glass solder is made up of different types of oxidized materials. This will significantly weaken the air-tightness of the solder, casting doubts on the viability of using such a method. Thus, the existing batches of vacuum insulated glasses are all equipped with an evacuation port.


In vacuum insulated glass with evacuation port, the LandVac series of vacuum glass employs flat sealing technology that offers greater assurance on safety, aesthetics, and more convenient and economical packaging and transportation for its products.