Industry News | 2017.03.29 | 1717
“The Thirteenth Five-year Plan for Energy Conservation and Green Buildings

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released “The Thirteenth Five-year Plan for Building Energy Conservation and Green Building Development”, aimed at establishing an energy saving, low carbon, green ecological, intensive, and highly efficient building energy use system, promoting the supply side structural reforms in the fields of residential housing and urban-rural development.

The objectives are to improve the energy efficiency for newly built constructions in cities and towns by 20% compared with 2015 while building energy conservation standards in some regions and for key architectural components such as windows and doors shall meet or come very close to the current international advanced level by 2020. The green building area shall account for more than 50% of total newly built constructions in cities and towns with the use of green building materials exceeding 40%. Through energy efficiency renovation of more than 500 million m2 for existing residential buildings and 100 million m2 for public buildings, the energy efficient housing among existing residential buildings in cities and towns shall account for more than 60 % nationwide.

The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan makes it clear that majority of future buildings shall be energy efficient in nature and encourages the use of new green building materials. At present, LandGlass has successfully developed fully tempered vacuum glass with U-value as low as 0.4 W/(m2·K). The outstanding performance of this product in thermal insulation and noise reduction while retaining the safety properties of fully tempered glass makes it an ideal choice for green, energy-saving, and passive buildings.